APS from the Center for Research Libraries provides searchable full-text and page images from over 1,800 popular magazines, journals and newspapers which began publication between 1740 and 1900 with coverage through 1940. The database includes titles from labor, trade, literary, scientific, and photographic periodicals, as well as other historically-significant titles.
Research Databases
Research Databases
In addition to the Rakow Library Catalog and Article Index, the Library offers access to the resources outlined below. These resources are available on-site to all library patrons, unless indicated by "staff only." Off-site access is available to Museum staff for most databases.
Ancestry Library Edition is a growing database of genealogical sources like censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more. Coverage is international and includes: federal and U.S. censuses; birth, death, and marriage records including the Social Security Death Index; and U.S. border crossing and trans-ocean ship records; Canadian records from the Census of Canada; and key vital records, such as the Drouin Collection (1621-1967), which includes nearly 30 million baptism, marriage, and burial records from Quebec; U.K. censuses for England, Wales, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, and Scotland, with nearly 200 million records; Births and Baptisms (1834-1906), Marriage Licences (1521-1869), Deaths and Burials (1834-1934), and Poor Law Records (1840-1938) in London; and other international collections like German census records, Chinese surnames from the Jiapu Collection of Chinese lineage books, and Jewish family history records from Eastern Europe and Russia.
ArchivesSpace provides searchable access to digital finding aids for manuscript collections and institutional archives housed at the Corning Museum of Glass Library.
Art & Architecture Complete provides indexing/abstracting and full-text coverage for magazines and books in art and architecture. The database contains an image collection of over 60,000 images, as well as the full-text from close to 400 journals and over 200 book titles.
Art Full Text offers full text, plus abstracts and indexing of an international array of peer-selected art publications from 1985 to the present. Coverage includes periodicals, yearbooks, museum bulletins, competition and award notices, exhibition listings, interviews, film reviews, and more. In addition to articles, Art Full Text indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.
Art History Research Net consists of five databases: Design Abstracts Retrospective, Arts + Architecture ProFILES, ReVIEW, and Research Sources: 1. THE POSTER and 2: British & Irish Architecture and Decorative and Applied Arts 1850s to the 1930s. Design Abstracts Retrospective functions as the retrospective of Design and Applied Arts Index, covering design publications from 1898 through 1988. With 50,000 records, DAR provides coverage of about 70 design and design-related journals important to the development of design in the early 20th century. Arts + Architecture ProFILES covers the same subject fields as DAR and is the most comprehensive directory of design and designers. ReVIEW offers digitized full-text versions of 19th and early 20th century decorative and fine arts journals, including titles such as The Studio (London), Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration,and Art et Décoration. Research Sources contains information on the history of the decorative arts poster as well as digitized books, catalogs, and ephemera covering the decorative arts published in Britain and Ireland from 1850 to 1930.
Art Index Retrospective (AIR) indexes citations to international art periodicals, from 1929-1984 in English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as in periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. In addition to articles, AIR tracks reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.
The International Foundation for Art Research (IFAR) provides two databases, International Cultural Property Ownership and Export Legislation and Case Law Statutes, both of which offer information, legislation, and case law regarding the acquisition and ownership of art. Topics include art theft, fraud, forgery, and contract law, among other things.
ArtNet captures auction sales information reflecting the arts market since 1985. Subscribers can buy, sell and research decorative art online with the searchable database for auction sales, artists, gallery market trends, and events. ArtNet offers access to ArtNet magazine as well as links to other titles.
Artstor is a non-profit, digital library of high-quality images from contributors around the world. Covering the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences, Artstor images are rights-cleared for educational use and currently total almost 2 million records. Contributors to the repository include the Cooper-Hewitt, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Victoria and Albert, and many others.
Known as the artists’ bluebook, AskArt founders began compiling biographical information, auction sales records, references, and museum/gallery information on artists, beginning in the early 1970s. Initially, the database focused on American artists, but in 2007 AskArt expanded to cover international artists as well.
The Avery Index provides a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design dating back to the mid-18th century. The index covers the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration. Search over 2,500 international journals, many of which are not indexed elsewhere. The index is produced by the Avery Library at Columbia University.
The 17th edition to the Chicago Manual of Style includes more than 100 new sections and expanded and revised guidelines throughout.
DAAI contains over 130,000 annotated references from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards, as well as data for more than 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, firms etc. It is the largest index of its kind in the world. DAAI offers a supplementary database: Periodicals Directory (an international directory of design and craft journals).
FirstSearch is a collection of general databases that gives you book and journal citations and access to select journal articles through thirteen different databases. The Rakow Library has access to the following databases: ArticleFirst; ClasePeriodica; Ebooks; Electronic Collections Online (ECO); ERIC; GPO; MEDLINE; PapersFirst; Proceedings; WilsonSelectPlus; World Almanac; WorldCat; and WorldCat Dissertations. More information on this collection is available from the List of Databases page, within FirstSearch.
Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals has more than 26,000 records spanning the entire 19th century, and provides coverage of the contents of each available journal issue, including all featured articles, art notes, illustrations, stories, poems and advertisements. Topics covered include: artists and illustrators, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, architecture and design, exhibitions and sales, decoration, and collecting.
The International Bibliography of Art (IBA) is the major resource for scholarly literature on western art, covering the period 2007 to the present. IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art .
This price index of several million public auction sale results from more than 1000 auction houses covers the 1990s to current. Records include images and full-text information for some items. Entries in the database are unedited and appear as written by auction house experts. The Price Archive allows access to past auctions. Searches return a maximum of 250 results. Formerly known as Artfact.
JSTOR (Journal STORage) is a full-text database containing the back files of over 700 scholarly journals, generally from the first volume up to the most recent three to six years. Current issues are not available. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines, including the social sciences, humanities, and some sciences.
Newspapers.com Library Edition provides online access to 3,000+ historical newspapers. Dating from the early 1700s into the early 2000s, Newspapers.com contains full and partial runs of regional and state titles as well as small local newspapers in the United States and a handful of other countries.
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides access to full-text articles and images from newspapers throughout the U.S. Newspapers are keyword-searchable and provide facsimile images of the articles included. The digital archive covers all of the 1800s and provides researchers with information relating to important scientific, historical, and cultural news of the century.
The Burney Collection is a fully searchable database of over one million pages from newspapers, newsbooks and government, ephemera, and early publications of the 17th and 18th centuries. Geographic coverage is focused around London, the British Isles and English colonies.
The Oxford English Dictionary serves as the authoritative source on the development of the English language, offering the most comprehensive collection available of definitions, word origins, and histories of the usage of words over time. The online version includes all 20 volumes of the 1989 2nd Edition of the Dictionary, plus the three supplementary volumes that have been published since that time. In addition, a major revision of the Dictionary, begun in 1993, is ongoing, with approximately 1,800 new and revised words added quarterly to the online OED.
The Times Digital Archive offers full-text facsimiles of 200 years of the Times, with every page of every issue from 1785 to 1985. Includes advertising and classified ads, editorials, birth and death notices, book reviews, crossword puzzles, letters to the editor, and the Court Page, which details the activities of the royals.
Ulrichsweb offers a searchable listing for 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more. Use this directory to find ISSNs, publication dates, publisher information, subscription statistics, and other information on the journals.
NOVEL Databases
Britannica Academic offers the full version of the authoritative encyclopedia (now no longer being published in print), plus thousands of new and revised essays. Many articles provide a detailed bibliography with helpful recommendations for further reading. The online encyclopedia also includes the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, the Britannica Book of the Year, the Encyclopedia Britannica World Atlas, and timelines of historical events, plus full-text articles from ProQuest and EBSCO, statistical information on countries of the world, and headlines from the New York Times and the BBC.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
This database provides access to a wide variety of global business information found in company and industry profiles including SWOT reports, market share reports, and financial reports. BIE offers company histories, industry essays and articles from scholarly journals, business news, and other publications. Some tableware, glassware, and other relevant industry publications are available full-text.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
Gale Academic OneFile contains indexing for over 12,000 journals and reference sources from 1980 to the present, many of which are peer-reviewed and full text. It has extensive coverage of: the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and more. Gale Academic OneFile has a number of design, architecture, and general art publications full-text. Millions of articles are available in both PDF and HTML full-text with no restrictions.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
Gale General OneFile indexes over 12,000 periodicals, with a backfile dating to 1980. The resource includes journals, newspapers, reference books and multimedia sources, over half of which are available full text. Subjects covered are: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. Several glass industry publications are covered in this database.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine contains over 2,800 journals and magazines from 1980 to the present, many of which are full text. The database covers nursing and allied health, medicine, and a wide variety of personal health information sources that offer reliable health information to researchers.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
Offers over 1,100 full-text newspapers that include several New York State newspapers, with content from the Glens Falls Post-Star, The New York Times, The New York Observer, New York Post, and Newsday.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.
This database of major newspapers published in the state of New York indexes articles from 1985-present.

Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY connects New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The New York Library Initiative is a proposal for permanent state funding for NOVELNY, a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library.