Recipe for Calcedonio
Giovanni Darduin (1585–1654)
Il ricettario Darduin: Un codice vetrario del Seicento
trascritto e commentato by Luigi Zecchin
English translation of the manuscript text:
On chalcedony
To make a beautiful chalcedony
Take 25 pounds of crystal frit [and] 2½ pounds of red lead (vermilion), mix together, and throw into a crucible, and as soon as it is melted, take iron splinters, and sieve through a large strainer; then take another, finer strainer, and sieve that which issued from the first strainer, then take that which remains in the second sieve (because those that are too large, as well as those that are too small, are not good). Take from this 2½ ounces and throw into the crucible, mixing it well, let rest for 2–3 hours, then take ramina rossa [cuprous oxide], ¾ ounce, about 5 sazi [about one sixth of an ounce], and throw into the crucible, mixing well, and let rest for 5–6 hours, during that time mix 4 times, and let rest, then work it and it will be beautiful.
In this I have very little faith.